Thursday, April 23, 2015

AR101-LAT01 HW Sheet #10 (due 5.1)

You may need to open this image in a new window (right click to open in a new window and zoom in)

THE MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE PROJECT WAS SWITCHED TO A SELF PORTRAIT PROJECT--the directions are in the hands on project folder (a sub-folder to the shared class folder)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

AR101-LAT01 HW Sheet #9 (due 4.24)

You may need to open this image in a new window (right click to open in a new window and zoom in)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

AR101-LAT01 HW Sheet 8 (due 4/17)

You may need to open this image in a new window (right click to open in a new window and zoom in)